Call it a Beans & Rice Budget, Bible College Student Budget, Half Step Above Ramaen Noodle Budget...whatever you call it, it gets the job done.
Meal list:
Macaroni & Cheese w/ vegetable (3 boxes for $1, Frozen broccoli 2lb bag $2)
Fried Egg Sandwich (Loaf of bread from $ Tree $1, Dozen eggs $1)
Rice and Beans (Bag of Black Beans $1, Bag of Rice $1)
Chili (Pound of Meat $2, Can Chili Beans $.60, Can Crushed Tomatoes $1, Onion $1)
Spaghetti (Box of 8 servings $1, Sauce $1, Frozen Green Beans $1)
Soup and Grilled Cheese (Can Soup $.50, Cheese $2)
Bean Burrito (Can Pinto Beans $.60, Tortilla $1)
Fried Rice (Rice, Scrambled Egg, Leftover Veggies, Soy Sauce $1)
Now we arrange the meals into 14 evenings of meals:
Night 1- Mac & Cheese Night 8- Bean Burrito
Night 2- Rice & Beans Night 9- Mac & Cheese
Night 3- Fried Egg Sand Night 10- Rice & Beans
Night 4- Chili Night 11- Fried Egg Sand
Night 5- Spaghetti Night 12- Spaghetti
Night 6- Fried Rice Night 13- Soup & Gr Cheese
Night 7- Soup & Gr Chs Night 14- Fried Rice
Next we make our grocery list according to our 2 lists above. You may need to go to different places. Because Wal Mart is raising the prices on their canned foods, Dollar Tree becomes the best place to buy a large can of crushed tomatoes, tortillas and even bread. Walgreens often has their eggs go on sale for $.99 a dozen, so it's a good idea to stock up if you can. Also keep in mind a dried bag of beans and rice lasts my family of 5(equal to 3 adults) for 4 dinners.
$.66 2 boxes of mac & cheese
$.75 Margarine
$2.00 Milk
$1.00 Bag of black beans
$1.00 Bag of rice
$.99 Dozen eggs
$1.00 Loaf of bread
$2.00 Pound of meat
$1.00 Can crushed tomatoes
$1.00 Onion
$.60 Chili beans
$1.00 Box of pasta
$1.00 Can of spaghetti sauce
$1.00 Bag of frozen green beans
$2.00 Bag of frozen broccoli
$1.00 2 cans condensed soup
$2.00 Cheese
$.60 Can pinto beans
$1.00 Soy Sauce (Or you could use the hundred packets from takeout)
Total $21.60 + tax